The Victorious Death of Eliza Warden, Part One of the Wardens Trilogy, is out with beta readers. So far the feedback has been both great and very helpful. The entire trilogy was originally planned as a single volume, but came in around 320K words, more than three times as long as Ours Is the Storm, so it got split into three volumes.
I had to do some looking around to find out, but apparently this was the product of about four years of work. Soon I’ll move onto the process of searching for an agent or publisher, or simply decide to keep on self-publishing. All of that will be after I get my reader feedback and then go back through and make sure I used all the right words.
After that will be another fun part – ARC reading! If you or anyone else is interested, I’ll be giving out free Advanced Reader Copies of tVDoEW so that I can generate reviews in advance of the book release. Alert your reader/reviewer friends, direct them to this site, and get them to sign up for updates, and I’ll be ever grateful.
In other news, I’m nearly done with the first draft of the first book of my Mona series. Some of you read the short stories recently which were the genesis of this character, but Mona is an ass-kicking petty thief, vigilante, and reluctant hero. She resides in the frontier city of Canifar, where she’s on the run from a dangerous past in her home of Ria Vancha. Look for more news about that one going forward.